Round Up Time!

Coffee and a Smoke

I’ve taken a few minutes to pick my favourite 50 shots from my trip. They’re not necessarily the best technical shots but rather a collection of favourites because I got a buzz from capturing them or they bring back very happy memories. They’re linked directly below this paragraph.

My Favourite 50 Tour Shots – A Flickr Set

I’ve also gathered all of the Tokyo, Sydney and San Francisco photographs in a Flickr collection. If you’re really bored some day have a flick through.

The World Tour Collection

The Pinks

I would heartily recommend any of the cities I visited to anyone thinking of taking a trip. The Japanese, Americans and especially the Aussies I met, were all, without exception, lovely people. I’m looking forward to my next major trip, when Mrs P is 50 in 2014. I may need to take her with me on *that* occasion though 😉

Thanks for reading!

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