Sayonara Tokyo!

The Artist

Well, that went quickly! This is my last evening in Tokyo. I fly to Sydney tomorrow evening at 20:30. It’s a nine hour overnight flight, so hopefully I’ll get some sleep on the plane – did I mention it’s a 747? LOL

The Weather Channel was wrong. No rain here today so far, and it’s 22:16 – there was me carrying my umbrella around this morning like a prize eejit! It even got sunny in the afternoon. I stayed close to home today as I had some gift shopping to do and I wanted to visit Ueno Park which is walking distance from my hotel. A park is understating it though. There is a huge lake called Shinobazu Pond, and many museums and galleries along with some beautiful historic cemeteries, a number of temples and a zoo – loads to see!

One Day Your Prince

Again, one of the things I’ve noticed here is the way that Tokyo people really use their parks – it was very busy, and I can imagine it will be even more so, come July and August. Another thing I noticed was about twenty Ueno High School kids with brooms, shovels and other equipment being walked from their school into the temple grounds where their teacher introduced them to the groundskeeper who put them all to work cleaning up – Civic Responsibility in action!

Little One

This chap and his mum were having a good time near the Tokyo National Museum. The speed at which he covered ground was incredible for a crawler. His mum and I had a good laugh over it. Another example, and there have been many, of the friendliness of the Japanese.

I tried some Sanuki Cochin Chicken with Soba Noodles for my dinner this evening – it was OK, but the service at Ito Ito, opposite Ueno Station was outstanding.

Right – packing time!

I’m not sure what the wifi/internet access situation is in Australia, so bear with me if you don’t get a post for a few days 🙂

There are 55 pictures in today’s Flickr set; check them out here: Tokyo Day Ten

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