Rainy Days and Tuesdays…

Platform 14

Check this chap out! Japanese sartorial elegance at it’s finest. I met him on Platform 14 in Shinjuku Station, and I knew straight away that I wanted to take his picture. Happily, he agreed!

I had a great lie-in this morning, despite being awake a few times during the night. I managed not to jump up straight away at 07:02, but took the opportunity for a light snooze until 08:00 and then read my book for a further forty-five minutes. It’s a Graham Swift novel called Shuttlecock – good stuff too!

Once I’d showered and got ready to go out, I headed towards Starbucks via the Satake covered market/street. I’ve noticed in various places, Satake included, that it’s common practice for single shop units to be used as small engineering works/warehouses and businesses. I must try to get a few shots of these before I leave.

When I got to Starbucks, I found my usual perch in the open air smoking area on the first floor. Something I hadn’t noticed before in the corner, was a metal box containing the rope ladder to be used as an escape route should the coffee shop catch fire. You can see it in the 30 second video clip below:

The weather forecast for the next three days is for light rain. It’s just pretty dull so far this morning and of course, I’ve forgotten to bring my umbrella from the hotel. In other news, I had my first and last iced coffee this morning – bloody awful stuff!

I pass a busy corner supermarket on my way to breakfast every morning. It’s at a major road junction and is always a hive of activity. Every square inch inside is given over to selling space to the point that they need to store most of their spare stock out the back in the alleyway. I found myself wondering how long it would stay there if it was in Belfast. Not very!

Supermarket Storage

Thanks for all of the positive comments on Flickr, Tumblr and Blipfoto yesterday. It appears that my “Looking Down” and “The Face” shots were pretty popular. Nice to know! I realise that the vast majority of images I’ve uploaded so far are more for content that any particular artistic quality, but my main aim with these shots is to show what Tokyo and some of Japan is like for the first time visitor.

My next stop will be the Ueno Park walk starting at Nippori Station – a walk from my guide book which covers Aoyama cemetery and the Tokyo National Museum. This is weather dependent though; who knows where I’ll end up! [Journal]

Just after leaving Starbucks and heading up towards Ueno Station, I spotted this Noodle Robot!

Yep. The rain started just then, so I decided to jump on a subway train and head by to Shinjuku –  and I was glad I did. I was particularly pleased with the iPhone ninja-shot below with it’s juxtaposition of East and West. I spent the rest of the afternoon wandering about in the drizzle taking the shots in today’s Flickr set. Wet but ultimately enjoyable!

East Meets West but...

Once I got dried off, and FaceTimed with Mrs P and Natalie, I went out for tea. Of course, Mr Fuji came too.

Kasugi Avenue

The rest of today’s shots and videos are in the Flickr set link here: Tokyo Day Nine

Thanks for reading!

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